Thursday, June 12, 2014

Money Just Magnifies Your Character

Photo by Corbis
Some people believe that having money changes a person. Some think that it makes a person greedy and selfish. Others think that it makes them more generous.

The truth, however, is that money doesn't change a person much. Money, actually, just magnifies what you already are. Because having money just allows you to be more of what you are.

If you are already greedy and selfish when you are poor, becoming rich won't suddenly change you into a generous person. It will just magnify your character, making you greedier and more selfish. Likewise, if you are already a generous person when you are poor, becoming rich will make you even more generous and unselfish.

Yes there are rare cases where becoming rich changes the person's character. But more often than not, it just magnifies what's already inside of you.

Having money won't change a person, because change comes from within and not from any external factor. Regardless if you have money or not, you can choose to become greedy or not. That decision comes from within you and not outside of you.

So if you want to be generous, don't let being poor stop you. You can be generous even if you don't have any money. Begin with small acts of kindness, then just gradually increase it as you get used to it. Once it becomes a habit, that character will just be magnified when you become rich. Because being rich will allow you to do more of that kindness.

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